3 Factors to Consider When Evaluating an ERP or SIS

3 Factors to Consider When Evaluating an ERP or SIS

For higher education IT professionals, selecting the right Student Information System (SIS) and, more broadly, a comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution are monumental decisions. While the features and functionality of the systems are essential, three additional factors are imperative for higher education institutions to assess: flexibility, support, and the staffing required to run the system efficiently. All three majorly contribute to an institution’s success with the technology and the cost it will incur to deploy and support the system.
The challenge is that these factors can be hard to assess and compare. This article dives into each and offers questions to ask ERP companies to help you evaluate their strengths in these key areas.

Flexibility: Adapting to Your Evolving Needs
Flexibility is crucial for an ERP system in today’s ever-evolving higher education environment. The software should have-built in options to support common higher ed data and workflows. It should be capable of accommodating unique needs via customization and scalable to support institutional growth.

IT professionals should consider the following when considering the flexibility of an ERP or SIS solution:
  • Modular Architecture: A flexible ERP solution should offer a modular architecture, allowing institutions to select and integrate modules based on their specific requirements.
  • Data and Workflow Options:  SIS and ERP systems should offer built-in options to tailor the software to your data requirements and workflow. For example, you may want to do pre-registration several months before a semester and billing when a student checks in for classes. Or you might want to require advisor approval before registration. Plus, you may do things differently based on whether the student is new, returning, undergraduate, or graduate. A flexible solution will allow you to easily accommodate your needs by setting various parameters within your system.
  • Customization: If you require customizations or additional modules to align with your unique workflows, verify that the ERP or SIS provider you are evaluating possesses the necessary policies and procedures to facilitate these customizations within the system. It should be done at a reasonable cost and in a manner that allows for the seamless integration of new releases without significant expense or disruptions. Retaining your unique processes is crucial for maintaining a competitive advantage in colleges and universities, so compromising in this area should be avoided.
  • Integration Capabilities: Flexible SIS and ERP systems should have robust integration capabilities, enabling seamless connections with other existing systems such as Learning Management Systems (LMS) or library databases. This integration ensures smooth data flow and eliminates silos, enabling a holistic view of the institution’s operations.
Most ERP and SIS providers state they are customizable and can integrate, but how can you tell? Try asking questions like these:
  • Would you walk me through your process and timeline for customizing your ERP or SIS to our institution’s unique workflows and processes?
  • How does your ERP or SIS integrate with existing systems like our LMS?
  • Would you provide examples of how your ERP solution has been customized to meet the specific needs of other higher education institutions?
Support: Ensuring Smooth Operation and Timely Assistance
Let’s face it, support can make or break your experience. Having a team of knowledgeable people that understand higher education and can answer your questions quickly is oh so important. When evaluating, IT professionals should consider the following support factors:
  • Dedicated Higher Ed Support Team: A reliable ERP provider should have a dedicated support team to assist institutions in implementing, configuring, and troubleshooting the system. This team should be knowledgeable about higher education-specific requirements and challenges.
  • Regular Updates and Enhancements: The ERP vendor should demonstrate a commitment to ongoing development and improvement. Regular updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements ensure the ERP system stays up-to-date and aligned with evolving industry standards and regulations.
How flexible is the ERP or SIS provider you’re considering? Try asking these questions:
  • How will you support us during the implementation and configuration process?
  • When I have a support question, who do I contact? Does your support team specialize in higher education? Will your support team understand our process and application of the ERP system?
  • How frequently do you release updates and enhancements to the ERP system? How are these updates delivered, and what is the process for applying them?
Staffing Requirements: Optimizing Resource Allocation
Implementing and managing an ERP system often necessitates a dedicated team of highly skilled IT professionals. Consider the following factors:
  • System Administration, Reliability & Security: A modern cloud-based ERP system for higher education should provide intuitive functionalities for configuring system parameters, user setup, report development, and efficient administration of application usage and data security. The vendor and its Cloud partners should offer comprehensive firewall controls, intrusion prevention measures, regular data backups, operating system updates, and application software updates. This ensures that the system minimizes the reliance on complex IT teams and alleviates the burden on IT resources.
  • End User Support: Seamless access to application experts is vital for end users. It is essential to determine whether the vendor provides direct access to application experts or if your IT team is expected to acquire the necessary knowledge and handle application support.
  • Scalability: It’s crucial to assess the scalability of the ERP system and determine whether the existing IT team can manage the system as the institution grows. Consider the potential need for additional IT staff or the availability of outsourcing options to ensure continued smooth operation.
Are you prepared to manage and support this ERP or SIS? Try asking these questions to figure it out.
  • What IT expertise is necessary to administer and maintain the ERP or SIS? How many FTE does the average institution have supporting the ERP or SIS system?
  • Do you offer user support services to address end-user inquiries and issues? What channels are available for end-users to seek support?
  • Are there options for outsourcing certain tasks or expanding the support team as needed?
For higher education institutions, selecting the right SIS and ERP is essential to drive operational efficiency and support the institution’s growth. While features and functionality are important, IT professionals should consider the flexibility, support, and required staffing skillsets when assessing the implication of selecting a solution.
By posing the suggested questions to SIS and ERP providers, higher education institutions can gain valuable insights into the flexibility, support, and staffing aspects of each offering, enabling more informed and complete decisions.

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